Illuminating experiences with solutions designed for a lifetime
Since 1969, we uphold our heritage and family tradition, preserving the passion for light and the ability to shape metal. Human value, commitment, and experience are the driving force behind our design and production of high-quality metal lamps. We constantly seek a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability to offer decorative lamps with a rationalist design, adaptable to the needs of the project.

We solve lighting needs with a creative attitude, providing original solutions through freedom of thought, experimentation and constant improvement.
We seek the balance between functionality, sustainability and aesthetics, adapting to the environment without losing our unique identity.

Compromise, respect and honesty are the backbone of our relationship with people and the environment.
The force that moves us is the enthusiasm for what we do, inherited through traditions built from decades of work.
The knowledge and experience of more than 50 years of history and quality show up on a daily basis.